Category Archives: Artistes

Réveil en Musique – Sweetest Choice

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Sweetest Choice

Sébastien Cirotteau : trompette
Benjamin Glibert : guitare 12 cordes


Intervention de Sweetest Choice à l'école de Baudéan (65), à l'occasion d'une résidence de territoire avec Traverse, nov-déc 2019 - "Le grand lustucru" :


Alexandra Cirotteau // alexandra[a]

Réveil en musique

avec Sweetest Choice

Réveil en Musique

Le Réveil en Musique est un projet d'action culturelle du duo Sweetest Choice (guitare, trompette) destiné à des enfants de 3 à 5 ans.
Le duo propose d’accompagner les enfants lors d’un temps calme de l’après-midi en associant une ambiance musicale douce et intimiste favorisant l’écoute, le repos ou le sommeil selon le rythme de chaque enfant.

Le Réveil en Musique ne doit pas être envisagé comme un concert, mais comme une véritable proposition basée sur le ressenti et l’expression de l’émotion.
Lors de la venue des musiciens, les enfants sont en situation d’activité libre, de manière à pouvoir exprimer leur réaction face à la musique. L'espace doit être aménagé de manière à favoriser à la fois l'expression des enfants et la déambulation des musiciens. L’enjeu est de laisser à l'enfant la liberté d’apprécier ou non la proposition musicale, à sa façon.

Le projet est modulable en fonction du lieu (médiathèque, classe) et de l’âge des enfants.
Un dossier pédagogique fournit des propositions de préparation ou de prolongation du projet par l'enseignant ou l'encadrant.


Facteur Sauvage


New creation 2024 " (Augmented) Facteur Sauvage " with Aymeric Avice (trumpet) and Aymeric Descharrières (saxophones).




Laurent Paris : prepared drums
Mathieu Sourisseau : bass guitar
Daniel Scalliet : voice

Press review

Facteur Sauvage

Facteur Sauvage, musical anomaly, poetic virus, self-made sound. A raw, compact trio. A sound straight from the tubes of homemade amplification, carried by a voice heated to white. Spoken word or song, the words bounce off a prepared bass and drums section, fed by primitive blues and rock.

In concert, Facteur Sauvage gently grabs us by the ear and gradually shakes us until we end up sweating. A warm-blooded animal, the trio kicks up clouds of dust between tender and wild tracks. Their music creates an evocative, almost narrative or cinematographic atmosphere, taking us on an initiatory road movie, between smoky bars and endearing fairground characters...

Willy Wolf, l'homme qui va mourir (2019)

In 2019, Facteur Sauvage has plunged headlong into the creation of a new work inspired by the Nantes character and urban myth of Willy Wolf. Willy Wolf, a self-proclaimed world champion diver, made his living by selling postcards of himself posing with a skull and a crossbones and an unsparing invitation: "Buy the man who is going to die". He invited locals with a taste for physical prowess and reckless danger to perform feats that would make him a trompe l'oeil. That's how he became known in the city of Nantes. On 31 May 1925, at the age of 27, he stood on the bridge of the Nantes Transbordeur in front of 50,000 spectators. After a few balancing acts above the void, he ignited his belt and jumped 55 metres... The crowd and the Gaumont theatre, present for this unique event, witnessed a living death. The living torch became a comet and the comet disappeared into the Loire. A myth was born.

But did Willy Wolf die that day? Or did he go on to other underwater adventures? For Facteur Sauvage, this story is more than just a news item. The spectacle of death is of little importance. It's the impulse of this son of Polish immigrants, a fitter by trade, a dreamy acrobat, a braggart in the markets, that appeals. He tells us something else. A little man who stands up to his humanity. A story to be told again and again. A dream that corrects the world of reality.

Facteur Sauvage has taken on the task of writing music and shouting from the rooftops around Willy Wolf, creating new pieces based on the film of this story. It's a kind of imaginary cinema concert in which a sparse instrumentarium and an eager audience must join forces in a communion of rage. The aim is to bring out this man's rage for life, his taste for risk, his enchanting poetry, his conquest of courage and the whole range of possibilities...

Une production Freddy Morezon. Avec le soutien de la DRAC Occitanie, du Conseil Régional Occitanie et du CNV.

Sweetest Choice


  • 15

    Sweetest Choice -

    Eglise, Montgaillard - 20h30 -

  • 25

    Sweetest Choice – Gonflés ! -

    L'Astrada, Marciac

  • 09

    Sweeteste Choice – Gonflés ! -

    L'Astrada, Marciac

  • 10

    Sweetest Choice – Gonflés ! – Restitution -

    L'Astrada, Marciac

  • 22

    Sweetest Choice -

    Théâtre Municipal Jordi Père Cerda, Perpignan





Sébastien Cirotteau : trumpet
Benjamin Glibert : twelve-string guitar

Press review


Light Songs Production file (FR)

Press review (FR)

Pack pro

facebook page

Sweetest Choice

folk intimiste


Sweetest Choice

Formé en 2016, Sweetest Choice, duo composé de Sébastien Cirotteau (trompette) et Benjamin Glibert (guitare 12 cordes), tire son nom du chef d’œuvre de la musique vocale, O Solitude, my sweetest choice de Purcell. Par le biais de transcriptions originales, Sweetest Choice propose une relecture instrumentale et intimiste de pièces musicales finement choisies pour leur intensité émotionnelle. Au fil des répertoires, le duo continue de nous livrer une folk acoustique subtile qui flirte avec la pop instrumentale, la musique de chambre épurée et la musique contemporaine.
Sweetest Choice transforme chaque performance en un moment d’émotion pure et de délicatesse sonore, pour nous transporter dans un voyage musical intemporel.

Light Songs

Avec leur nouveau répertoire intitulé Light Songs, le duo part à la recherche de la lumière : une exploration musicale de l’exaltation, de la passion, pour un répertoire enlevé, lyrique, parfois profond mais toujours délicat. Sweetest Choice souhaite relier différents genres et diverses époques entre elles, avec une attention particulière pour la musique écrite par des femmes. Light Songs offre l'opportunité de raconter de petites histoires qui apportent un regard neuf sur l'Histoire de la musique. Ils interrogent l’amour, la création, l’inspiration.

Grave, belle et lumineuse, leur musique appelle l’auditeur à une écoute recueillie, créant des concerts uniques et mémorables.

Light Songs est un production Freddy Morezon, réalisée en co-production avec la Scène Nationale d'Albi, l'association Traverse (65), la ville de Perpignan (66) et la communauté de communes de Haute Corrèze. En partenariat avec le Cie Aquaserge.


Etenesh Wassié Trio


  • 18

    Etenesh Wassié Trio – REPORTÉ -

    Kaap, Ostende, Belgique

  • 24

    Etenesh Wassié Trio -

    Cité de la Musique, Marseille



European tour dates from November 2024
Release of a new opus 1st quarter 2025


“Bati” Yene Alem
Audio Player



Etenesh Wassié : voice
Mathieu Sourisseau : acoustic bass
Sebastien Bacquias : double bass

Etenesh Wassié Trio

éthio trad – folk-blues

Since their encounter in 2007, Mathieu Sourisseau and Etenesh Wassié share a great artistic complicity. The source for their music lies in traditional Ethiopian songs, revisited through playing styles and melodies that cloud the tracks. Etenesh’s wild and secret voice carries us away. Mathieu’s bass play, crossed by several worlwide influences, carries us away. It is an intense emotionally piercing trip. They continue their journey with the double bassist Sébastien Bacquias. The warmth of the double bass and the profoundness of the acoustic bass unite perfectly with the deep tone of Éténèsh’s voice. The crossing of strings forms a sonorous mat from which new melodies emerge, reminding the watermark of the Ethiopian forms. We can feel rock, jazz, improvised music and world music influences. A universe where this unique voice can self-express in all freedom. The bow of the double bass also reminds of the messenqo, a traditional Ethiopian mono-string-violon that accompanies all the heritage songs, such as Ambassel, Tezeta and Bati, in which Etenesh excels.

No way to deny the Ethiopian roots of the music played by Etenesh Wassié, Mathieu Sourisseau and Sébastien Bacquias. But this trio is playing on a much wider territory. Far from the glitz of an off-ground thought world music. What is well invented here in this delicate combination of these three artists is raised from the friction of ethio-trad with noise textures, from the consummate art of the folk nostalgia with the scansions and backing up solid grooves. The purpose of the trio is probably not the song but, more certainly, the six-handed story that the two musicians and the singer assemble in live. A upmost moving story shaped by this music : familiar in its magic and hybrid in its instrumentation. In March 2018, a double bass was added to the lyrical booms of the original duo, born in 2009 from the combination of a voice and an electro-acoustic bass. And this transplant is successful. The low register, over-represented, does not provoke any endless manly debate. In fact, reciprocal comments such as the solos of the eight strings of the pair Sourisseau/Bacquias push Etenesh Wassié's voice to its limits. From his perfect technique, from his majestic cracks to his poetic statements full of bright energy that could be compared to a form of rage. A rage that could’ve been magnified by Bessie Smith or Abbey Lincoln. Then, a traditional form like the Tezeta catches up with the field of blues and, therefore, African-American jazz.
