Tag Archives: Julien Gasc



The Possibility of a new work for Aquaserge / octobre 2021, Crammed discs



Perdu dans un étui de guitare

Benjamin Glibert : guitar, voice
Audrey Ginestet : bass, voice
Manon Glibert : clarinets, voice
Olivier Kelchtermans : baritone & alto saxophones, voice
Robin Fincker : tenor saxophone, clarinet, voice
Marina Tantanozi : flutes, voice
Julien Chamla : drums, voice
Camille Emaille : drums, voice
Anouck Hilbey : Playback voice
+ guest

Elise Simonet : Artistic collaboration
Anne Laurin : sound management
Sam Mary : lightning
Jérémy His : tour management

Press review


"Perdu dans un étui de guitare" (Lost in a guitar case) 2021 creation

A possibility of a new work for Aquaserge + guest

Aquaserge Orchestra


Toutes les vidéos d'Aquaserge

"Perdu dans un étui de guitare" (2021 creation)

Multifaceted nebula-band Aquaserge invents its own universe and musical codes from the merging of rock, jazz, song, pop, free, psychedelic and film music influences. In a nonet state and replying to the invitation of the Lieu Unique (Nantes, France), Aquaserge is currently creating a concert in connexion with masterpieces of the 20th century contemporary music.

In its creation called "Perdu dans un étui de guitare" ("Lost in a guitar case"), a rock-sounding contemporary piece concieved like a mise en abîme, Aquaserge immerses us inside pieces of E.Varèse, M. Feldman, G. Ligeti, G. Scelsi. The band knits links between the pieces through a work on voice and timbres, allowing itself to arrange, experiment and reinterpret the scores. Aquaserge plays with tags and rules confronting this facet of so-called serious music with their singular musical identity.

"Perdu dans un étui de guitare" is thought like a concert inseparable from its scenography, where lights, dramaturgy and physical commitment are driven by the dramaturge Elise Simonet. The band also proposes to invite a guest on each concert, integrating it to the scenic device.

Co-production : Freddy Morezon, le Lieu Unique (Nantes, France), La Soufflerie scène conventionnée de Rezé (Rezé, France), "Aujourd'hui Musiques" festival by l'Archipel (Perpignan, France) and Aquaserge. In partnership with Chez Lily, les arts à l’œuvre (Germ-Louron, France). With the support of the DRAC Occitanie, the Région Occitanie, the Adami, the SPEDIDAM, the FCM and the CNV.

Aquaserge Orchestra


At the same time experimental pop band and jazz orchestra, Aquaserge offers an hyper-imaginative music brimming with instrumental excursions and dada texts. Multifaceted nebula playing with codes and genres, Aquaserge has become in around twelve years one of the most exciting band of the french scene. The band evolves around a psychedelic-rock-pop core comprising Julien Gasc (keys & vocals), Benjamin Glibert (guitar & vocals), Audrey Ginestet (bass & vocals), Manon Glibert (clarinets) and Julien Chamla (drums). Often joined the last three years by jazz and improv scenes musicians Robin Fincker (saxophone, clarinet), Sébastien Cirotteau (trumpet), Olivier Kelchtermans (saxophone) and lastly by Marina Tantanozi (flutes).

The band has been releasing eight albums to this day, on which the two last opus Laisse ça être (2017, Almost Musique/Crammed Discs) and the live album Déjà-Vous ? (2018, Crammed Discs) have been widely critically acclaimed. Their hyper-imaginative sound takes on an even wilder dimension on stage. For the last three years, Aquaserge toured a lot in France and abroad on various stages : rock, jazz, experimental, pop. This jack-of-all-trades band collecting multiple collaborations embarks on every musical adventure enthusiastically. After their intense tour, last season we saw the band show up on film credits, playing in theatres, doing drawn concerts, accompanying a string quartet at the Opera de Lyon and taking part in contemporary art or literature festivals. Their Léo Ferré cover "Si tu t’en vas" won the price of the best interpretation at the 9th edition of the Musical Creation Prices (Prix de la Création Musicale).

In 2019-2020, answering to the invitation of the Lieu Unique (Nantes, France), Aquaserge embarks into a new adventure in connexion with contemporary music masterpieces (from Ligetti, Varèse, Feldman, Stockhausen, Scelsi…), surounded by Sylvaine Hélary, Camille Emaille, a special guest, and the dramaturge Elise Simonet.

Aquaserge Orchestra
© Rovo