Laurent Paris

For over 30 years, as a musician, accompanist, improviser and visual artist, he has never ceased to discover new musical materials, new sounds and new ways of playing. A self-taught percussionist, he has forged a technique and a sense of playing that have enabled him to collaborate with artists from all backgrounds, from flamenco to the most improvised music, via jazz, rock, electro, cricket, etc... Member of the Freddy Morezon collective with the group Facteur Sauvage, Daniel Scalliet (vocals), Mathieu Sourisseau (bass), the duo CiRuS ViRCuLe with Betty Hovette (arranged piano), and the ensemble FM ...
As a soloist, he expresses his constant desire for freedom, where the smallest event and the slightest sonic discovery become material for improvisation, for inventing on the spur of the moment "everything is good in sound". In a duo with Jean-François Vrod, he plays ageless improvised music from the cities and the countryside, the plains and the mountains. He has put together a triptych on 19th-century English poetry with actor Denis Lavant and saxophonist Camille Secheppet.
He also performs in a trio with Betty Hovette (piano) and Aymeric Avice (trumpet). In duo with Xavier Camarasa (fender rhodes) he plays "Piscine Olympique". With Bruno Izarn (guitar) he wrote and played the music for the film concert "Le révélateur" by Philippe Garrel. Member of the quartet SLOW with Yohann Loustalot, Julien Touery and Eric Surménian. etc...


  • 17

    Laurent Paris solo -

    Chez Pierrot, Arcizans-Avant (65)

  • 01

    CiRuS ViRCuLe -

    Archives départementales du Tarn, Albi - 18h30 -

  • 14

    Facteur Sauvage (Augmenté) -

    Théâtre, Le Bleymard

  • 12

    Facteur Sauvage (Augmenté) -

    Berry Social Club, Morogues




" Toutes les machines du monde ne sont qu'une seule machine "
Enregistré par Bertrand Fraysse à la Mami en janvier 2024

► Présence
album du duo Jean-Luc Petit / Laurent Paris à écouter ICI