
  • 17

    Shadowlands -

    Jazzdor, Strasbourg

  • 28

    Shadowlands -

    Ajmi, Avignon

  • 29

    Shadowlands -

    Petit Théâtre de la Placette, Nîmes

  • 30

    Shadowlands -

    Les Montezes, Monoblet

  • 30

    Future Folk Stories – Épisode cévenol – Shadowlands -

    Les Montèzes, Monoblet



Save the date !
22.03.24 ⎮Release of the album "Ombres" by BMC


Podcast France Musique : concert à La Dynamo de Banlieues Bleues enregistré par Radio France à écouter ICI


Robin Fincker : tenor saxophone, clarinet
Lauren Kinsella : voice
Kit Downes : piano, Hammond organ


Press quotes

Les interprètes de ces chants traditionnels leur donnaient une nouvelle vie, entre adaptation et quête d’une essence originelle. Robin Fincker, explique interpréter les ombres de ces chansons. Ces sont ces ombres à laquelle Lauren Kinsella prête sa voix, en retournant les airs et les paroles comme pour en examiner les coutures, glissant parfois vers des musiques et textes originaux voire des onomatopées, aux confins de la musique contemporaine ; Robin Fincker, entre saxophone ténor et clarinette, Kit Downes passant constamment de l’orgue Hammond au piano et vice-versa, éclairant textes et mélodies de flammèches abstraites qu’ils allument à leur traine. On aurait aimé inviter Luciano Berio, compositeur des fameux Folk Songs, à découvrir ces “ombres”.

Franck Bergerot, Jazz Magazine

Lauren Kinsella sings folksongs from several ages, and has a powerful yet subtle way of shaping them, providing a framework around which the others can explore freely and go off on voyages of discovery. Kit Downes will always find the astonishing tone colours which lie dormant in an organ, either in a church or in this case a Hammond, and Robin Fincker a is subtle, inventive, thoughtful, classy player. There is already an album due out next spring on the Hungarian BMC label. I managed to blag a copy: it is a delight."

Sebastian Scotney, London Jazz News

Inspired by a blend of early music, folk and plainsong, Shadowlands weaves a form of contemporary chamber music rich in sonic texture. Three vibrant voices from Europe's creative music scene, adept at crossing genres, agree to venture into the unknown together in a repertoire where improvisation rubs shoulders with centuries-old melodies and original compositions.

The language of Kit Downes, a key pianist on the new British scene, blends with that of Anglophile saxophonist and clarinettist Robin Fincker and Irish singer Lauren Kinsella in a shared desire to question slowness and the right gesture. Stretched, lilting melodies are surrounded by a halo of shimmering, shifting sound.

Gradually the shadows stretch and come to life.... "Ombres", the trio's first recording, will be released on the BMC label in spring 2024.