Betty Hovette

© Bruce Milpied
A beginning of the career following the traditional paths of written music, a strong attraction for contemporary music in adolescence, an increased aspiration to explore the bowels of the piano in all its dimensions (materials, sonorities, textures, percussion), a need for bodily liberation in playing, all this leads her naturally to free improvisation.
In search of an expansive energy, of sound in its most essential state, with a total commitment to the moment, her musical approach is based on a concern for authenticity of the subject, whatever the artistic creation medium (totally improvised, entirely written or merging the two). In other words, an explorer's philosophy, that of the crossroads and the moment.
Cultural mediation

Instants Donnés
June 1st 2023
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CiRuS VirCuLe
Janvier 2023
Mr Morezon 031

D’une Extrême à l’autre
november 2018
Mr Morezon 019
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